About Us

Who are we?

We are the William Floyd High School Robotics club, also known as Team 287. We compete at the FIRST  Robotics Competition. This is a club where we brainstorm, build robots, fundraise, and much more. 

All types of skills are used; not just coding and engineering, but also public speaking, writing speeches, being creative, assemblers, and loud people to travel with us and support us from the stands.

What do we do?

The hands-on skills — designing, machining, and programming — take center stage for the building process. Using our high quality 3D printers and CNC machines, the construction team builds and assemble the core parts of our robot. Our design team outlines unique parts that improve our robot using professional software like AutoCAD and Inventor. Our programmers bring the robot to life by coding and creating autonomous routines for the robot to follow. A drive team then learns to control the robot for upcoming competitions.

Hands-on skills aren't all, though. Media, community outreach, and public speaking are also players in helping us succeed. Our media team helps to capture the teamwork and spirit of the team using professional equipment, software, and social media. Community outreach helps to recruit local sponsors that support our goals and spark participation in local activities. Finally, public speaking lets students, parents, faculty members, and sponsors see our team's progress and success to forward our growth.

What's our goal?

Being that we compete in the FIRST  Robotics Competition, we travel and compete in regional competitions around March and early April with our completed robot. The intensive journey to the competitions culminate in our efforts to win as much as we can. 

However, beyond the competitions, it's about facilitating the growth of STEM education in our community by inspiring the youth to cooperate, innovate, and succeed together. FIRST's  mission is "to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders and innovators," and Team 287 strives to achieve this.


Mr. Brand

"A quote couldn't describe the creativity, intelligence, hardworking, and individuality our team has to offer."

Mr. Carpinone 

"We have a team full of young, inspirational minds. These students will be able to expand their technological capabilities thanks to our club."

Mrs. Casey

Words of Robotics Alumni

"I will always remember my time on Team 287. The monumental transformative experiences during my formative years inspired me to become who I am today. I wouldn't be where I am without FIRST and Team 287. I strongly recommend this program to anyone interested in the STEM field. Thanks to my time on the team, I've made great friends, built astonishing robots, and networked my way into an impactful career path. GO FLOYD!" 

David Bender, Team Captain 2019-20

"After 4 years of service on the team, it saddens me to leave, but I am confident that the future leaders of Robotics will be able to pull through stronger than ever."

Samantha Friedrich, Team Captain 2021-22

"It's been a pleasure working alongside my mentors and my peers for the past four years. This club has taught me a monumental amount, and I hope to pass that knowledge onto the next generations of this amazing robotics team."

Graciela Aguilar, Team Captain 2022-23

"This team has made my high school years truly meaningful. I've learned so much and have made so many great friends. I can't wait to see the teams future accomplishments."

Keira Soika, Team Captain 2023-24